A Legit Botch
As in professional wrestling, this was undoubtedly a stunt and stunts are often dangerous.

I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about professional wrestling and its relationship with current events, nor am I the only one to make the connection. The reason is simple: politics really have become professional wrestling. Politicians have been reduced to cutting hard-hitting, edgy promos aimed at putting themselves over with a particular audience, under with others, and dunking on the other side in the most verbally brutal fashion possible while still keeping the rhetoric somewhat civil.
Pro wrestling was what came to mind when I heard the news that Governors Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis of Texas and Florida, respectively, shipped a group of illegal immigrants up to Martha’s Vineyard and even Vice President Kamala Harris’ Washington, D.C. residence as a protest over the Biden administration’s de facto open-borders policy promoting mass illegal immigration.
My initial reaction was about the same as most immigration hawks: good riddance, it’s about time, etc. However, reality quick set in - whatever satisfaction we get from subjecting open-borders advocates to the consequences of their own impositions is certain to be short-lived. I’m not sure how much calculation Governors Abbott and DeSantis put into this effort, except to say they decided to give it a go and let the chips fall where they may. As in professional wrestling, this was undoubtedly a stunt and stunts are often dangerous. If botched, as in ill-advised or poorly executed, the consequences can be costly.
To understand why, it must be recognized that many on the anti-illegal immigration side misunderstand what the Left and the Regime’s motivations are. In the long run, this sort of stunt helps, not hurts, their efforts.
A Substack entry written by an author named “Martin” explains why:
First, I want to be charitable, to clarify and also to dispense with surface level misunderstandings of what I’m going to say here. To the extent that DeSantis’ actions cause a “spectacle,” that they “raise awareness” of what is happening at the border daily, then it’s something of a good - a shambolic Trump-like tactic designed to sow a little discord and chaos into the political sphere. American Sun touched on this nicely below:
This perspective I am not at all concerned with - he understands the bigger political frame and that this is a small victory, the primary impact of which is more or less the “spanner in the works” style sabotage of the dominant leftist messaging and framework. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating a victory, with seeing the Democrats eating crow. The problem becomes when this leads into superficial and downright fraudulent readings of the response by the Democratic punditry and political establishment.
The prevailing attitude towards this event from the online right has been something of a gloat, a “we told you so,” a “gotcha” that will finally expose those wealthy, out of touch, Martha’s Vineyard LIBERALS as the REAL racists; the REAL enemies of the migrants, the REAL “Not in my back yarders.” Reading such comments today from prominently placed pundits and anons alike has served to solidify my view that the Right has no conception long term of what it means to be winners. Even worse, they don’t understand the left nearly as much as they think they do.
For some time now, particularly after what Steve Sailer has called “The Great Awokening,” Democratic voters have been rapidly swinging to the left on cultural issues. Obergefell, BLM and now Trans Rights have become litmus tests for acceptance in “polite” urban society. Along with these shibboleths, signaling your allegiance to the regime of mass third world immigration has become part and parcel of this “intersectionality:”
There’s no way to sugarcoat it: the Democrats have become the party of mass immigration extremism. But what do they think about diversity in general? What does it mean for the bigger picture? How do they view white people in relation to non-white ethnics?
White liberals overwhelmingly hold negative in-group bias towards other whites - the only ethnic group to do so; left wing blacks, hispanics and asians overwhelmingly favor their own group, despite the ostensibly “left wing” political orientation.
I’ve often remarked that Whites, despite accusations of indulging in supremacism, are the least racially-conscious of all Americans. They don’t identify themselves along the lines of race, while accepting, however begrudgingly, that other groups have a special privilege to do so. Among White leftists, this leads to a massive overcorrection, to put it mildly, where they view other races as superior to their own. It’s a bizarre pathology, but it really exists.
Martin continues:
Now why do white liberals think this? Is it a cover for some deep-seated micro-aggressive racism? A desire for a eugenic white supremacist farmers market? An elaborate ploy to “own the red staters?” No! - The Ockham’s razor approach to leftist gloating and salivating over impending mass migration, diversity, “cultural enrichment” is to say: they genuinely believe this. There seems to be a fantasy shared by the so called “conservative” punditry and many GOP figures that white liberals in America “talk the talk” but they don’t “walk the walk.” They support “diversity for thee, but not for me.” The talking point seems to go like this: liberals want diversity but not proximity; they don’t want to deal with those pesky and unclean “immigrants,” if they’re “in their backyard,” and if we just rub their face into it enough, we’ll finally expose them for being the racist hypocrites they are:
Martin goes on to reveal what the response from the Left and the residents of Martha’s Vineyard was: compassionate, to say the least. If the Right was expecting the leftist elites of Martha’s Vineyard to simply kick the migrants to the curb, they seriously miscalculated. Whether they aided them out of genuine compassion or to signal virtue doesn’t matter. Politics is largely a perceptions game and the Right gave the Left an opportunity to demonstrate just what wonderful people they really are and the Left took advantage of it.
If you’re on the Right, if you’re an immigration hawk, take a moment to digest what you just read and ask yourself: does that sound like a victory?
More from Martin:
White liberals genuinely love diversity. It makes them feel good. It gives them the tingles. It’s a cup of apple cider on Christmas morning whenever they hear a story of some border hopper who “made something of himself.” And as we saw earlier, they genuinely loathe other whites.
Too many commentators misread just precisely why the left was up in arms about this (at least the punditry - on the ground, the Churches and white liberals were more than willing to step up for photo ops with their masks). There are two key reasons they were upset:
1) Firstly, like the Holocaust, certain political cudgels can only be welded by one side (the democrats.) Thus, Nikki Fried, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture lamenting that these migrants were “political pawns” of DeSantis:
Of course, when 51 migrants died in a truck 8 months ago in Texas and this led to calls for “immigration reform,” they weren’t being used as political pawns. After all, they couldn’t stand for a nice photo-op at a church - because they were dead. If anything, such events cause the democrats to double down. The reason they died wasn’t because of our liberal immigration laws, amnesty and human trafficking callousness, but because some white state senator in Texas once tweeted about how much his constituents were being affected by mass immigration.
2). The second reason that the left was upset about DeSantis’ stunt is because it evoked spooky childhood memories from books like “Night” by Elie Wiesel. One has to understand that the left is highly neurotic and mental illness is fairly common, particularly in the 18-30 age group, but it’s heavily sex-dependent as well, thus:
Many on twitter didn’t see this, didn’t understand just *why* the liberals were freaking out on twitter about being enriched. To me, both angles were obvious - this one, exceedingly so. In the sentimental and neurotic left wing frame, planes = cattle-cars and mass transit = mass genocide. After all, Spielberg made a movie about it. We learned about it in grade 8. The holocaust. It starts with mass movement. The simple act of plane transiting migrants was enough to conjure up the specter of mass extermination, of genocide. To me, this is the most important “understanding” point about the hysterical reactions from the left - it is not at all about the migrants AS migrants, but rather about the “CALLOUSNESS” with which “DESANTIS” is willing to “TREAT HUMAN BEINGS AS CATTLE.” Don’t discount how impactful such understandings are to the mentally ill leftist.
The lesson here is that this stunt has given the Left all sorts of ammunition to hurl at the Right. Many on the Right argue that these sorts of stunts are absolutely necessary in order to establish a semblance of seriousness and set the stage for some substantive political victories, but really: if you’re a political independent, as a large number of Americans are, are you going to consider voting for the people associated with the Holocaust and the Nazis, whether the comparison is accurate or not? Again, most Americans are nowhere near as politically engaged as myself and the readers of this blog and are not going to respond well to perceptions of cruel treatment, even when it comes to illegal immigrants. They will, however, respond well to perceptions of kind treatment, again, ulterior motivations aside.
Martin concludes:
I can imagine a rebuttal: “But liberals, when they see the consequences of their actions will come to their senses, they’ll understand that we can’t have an unregulated porous border, that our resources are finite, that third world immigrants have different attitudes to property, crime, sex. This is why DeSantis putting migrants into Martha’s Vineyard is a good thing.”
To this I would simply say: I would love to partake in that level of delusion - it would allow me to sleep much more soundly at night. In reality, we see the German government actively suiciding their entire economy just to “spite Putin.” We see Mollie Tibbet’s father came out publicly to denounce “racism” and signal his support for “open borders” following the horrific murder of his daughter at the hands of a migrant worker. These people would cut off their noses, their arms - their heads, just to spite us. I’m increasingly convinced that there’s nothing that would ever “open their eyes” about issues of criminality and race, immigration. There’s no level at which their “hypocrisy” will ever catch up with them - they’ll never feel embarrassed, ashamed, recant their position.
To celebrate this as victory - wholescale - is thus to find ourselves stuck in the left frame of accepting that infinity immigration is simply a “given fact” and we won’t ever be able to hit it at its source - our border. Shipping migrants around ALREADY IN THE COUNTRY is a loss. Thus we cope, granting the left their end game - our total replacement - for a short term victory. But the Dom Perignon of celebration doesn’t taste nearly as sweet - we’re still fighting a rearguard action.
We’re all aware that, within 48 hours, the National Guard had been mobilized to remove the migrants from Martha’s Vineyard. That proves the Left actually doesn’t want them in their community, right? Not exactly; if they could provide them public housing and other services, I’m sure they most certainly would love to have them there, if only to prove integrating illegal immigrants into the country is easy and everyone should do it. But they cannot, so they hand them over to the military, which for some reason shouldn’t be deployed to defend the border under any circumstances, so they can be moved somewhere else where such resources may be available. And of course they don’t want the illegals on their lawn or inside their homes - leftists are just as human as the rest of us and they don’t want total strangers living with them, not for long, anyway.
What matters is that the Left got what they wanted: more immigrants inside the country (as opposed to inside their homes) and an opportunity to demonstrate they’re better people. Now that both objectives have been achieved, the task of looking after the migrants falls onto others. Whatever price they paid was worth it.
What happens to the migrants now? It’s hard to say, but it’s obvious they’re going to looked after by the federal government, using tax money taken from American citizens, and eventually released into society to pursue the American Dream. Already, the migrants are seeking redress for their grievances:

The key takeaway is that the Right needs to be careful when calling the Left’s bluff. The two sides have become so entrenched in their positions that it’s impossible for the Left to do anything else other than accommodate illegals, even if they really don’t like having them in their communities. Furthermore, whatever the Left lacks in conviction (i.e., a willingness to inconvenience themselves), they have no problem testing the conviction of others and outsourcing the consequences onto others. The idea the Left, or at least the cultural elites who push open-borders policies, will ever truly suffer the consequences of their self-destructive policies assumes delusion on their part, when in fact, they know exactly what they’re pushing for and will walk themselves and the country off the cliff just for a chance to say they’re better than the rest of us.
Consider San Francisco - despite the Left’s best efforts to blame the Right for its malaise, the Bay City is one of the country’s most overwhelmingly left-wing and has had an unbroken streak of Democratic Party governance back to the early 1960s. There’s no way to blame the Right for San Francisco or even California’s problems in any way that makes sense. At some point, you have to consider that the contempt, corruption, cruelty, and self-destruction is what they’re going for:

Don’t get me wrong: I understand why so many immigration hawks and right-wingers enjoyed this stunt. But the Left didn’t ascend to position of occupying regime by playing for short-term wins. They played the long game, winning culture war battles, taking over institutions, and generating a critical mass that could not only deliver victories, but also protect any gains. This how they became the Regime and how they now possess all the real power in the country.
By comparison, by shipping migrants north, all Abbott and DeSantis did was introduce more of them deeper into the country, when the focus should be squarely on sending them back or preventing them from entering the country in the first place. I appreciate the fact they want to bring attention to the out-of-control situation at the border, but allowing illegal migrants to move further inland, thereby ensuring their permanent residency, while providing a propaganda victory for the Regime, is hardly the way to accomplish this goal. Again, the Left is happy to welcome the migrants and send them elsewhere throughout the country once they’ve had the opportunity to prove their magnanimity.
This is no time for stunts. I haven’t seen any other outlets cover this story, but one source states violent criminals released from Venezuelan prisons may be making their way north towards the U.S., with a likelihood many of them are already at the border or already in the country:
A recent Department of Homeland Security intelligence report received by the Border Patrol instructs agents to look for Venezuelan inmates released from entering the U.S., according to a source within CBP. The report, reviewed by Breitbart Texas, indicates the Venezuelan government, under the leadership of Nicolás Maduro Moros, is purposely freeing inmates — including some convicted of murder, rape, and extortion.
The intelligence report warns agents the freed prisoners have been seen within migrant caravans traveling from Tapachula, Mexico toward the U.S.-Mexico border as recently as July. The source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas the move is reminiscent of a similar action taken by Cuban dictator Fidel Castro during the Mariel boat lift in the 1980s.
The report does not state whether the released prison inmates were traveling as a cohesive group but does state it was commonly shared knowledge among migrants traveling to the United States within a caravan in July that many of the Venezuelan migrants in the group were convicts and included hardened criminals.
Arguably, the border situation is the worst it’s ever been:

And what’s been the response from the Commander-in-Chief, the one man ultimately responsible for the national security and sovereignty of the U.S.?

This is what we’re dealing with. President Joe Biden supports illegal immigration, as do the Left and the residents of Martha’s Vineyard. Sending more illegal immigrants into the country isn’t how you’re going to fix this problem.
The country needs serious leadership from people willing to uphold the rule of law and restore order, no matter what Washington or the Regime says. At this late hour, this is the most rebellious act imaginable, given their anarcho-tyrannical nature. Instead of perpetually responding to the Regime’s initiative, maybe try forcing them to respond to yours?
No more stunts. It’s time to deliver the pay-off.
Max Remington writes about armed conflict and prepping. Follow him on Twitter at @AgentMax90.
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Love this take, too many people think the left is all hypocrites. They arent liars, they just exist in cognitive dissonance, they really want what they say they want. Proving them to have double standards isnt indicative of their deceit, just their genuine bad and contradictory views