Appalling remarks from the President of the United States:

I’m old enough to remember when the Left and the media gnashed their teeth, panicked, and wailed every time former President Donald Trump engaged in rhetoric typically associated with that of authoritarians and dictators. Even today, figures like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban are derided as authoritarians by The Atlantic and The New York Times, all because they refuse to adopt, as their state religion, Woke Leftism or pay proper respects to revolutionary, cultural Marxist movements such as Black Lives Matter.
But Biden’s rhetoric goes way beyond. He’s calling for the imprisoning of the political opposition. It’s no comfort for anyone to chalk this up to his seemingly non compos mentis state, which would only raise questions as to what he’s doing in the White House in the first place. Declaring the political opposition un-democratic (even as the Democratic Party attempts to turn the country into a one-party state through mass migration or, in some places, have non-citizens participate in politics) and calling for their imprisonment for their unwillingness to go along with the Left’s “progress” is what you hear from a dictator, not the president of a constitutional republic.
We’ve established that Biden is an anarcho-tyrant - he sides with criminals against law-abiding citizens - but now, he’s a totalitarian, also. Whether you approve of Biden’s job or not, (most Americans don’t), there’s no denying, based on the words out of his own mouth, he opposes political pluralism and would, if given half the chance, mobilize the full might of the Regime and state against the other side and crush all opposition. Certainly, all presidents and politicians would prefer it if the opposition were diminished or outright eliminated. But there’s a huge difference between quietly wishing so and using the power of your office to call for it on the public stage.
The morning after Biden’s remarks, this happened:

I won’t say there’s a connection between the two, but the point here is that the Biden administration is sparing no expense at going after its political opponents when it can. I don’t harbor any sympathy for those who participated in the January 6 riot (political protests are always done at your own risk), but it’s clear to me the incident is being overblown and exploited by the Regime to distract from its own treachery and as a way to persecute the other side. According to The New York Times, Kelley is “charged with committing violence against a person or property on restricted grounds, damaging federal property, disorderly conduct and entering a restricted building or grounds without permission.”
However, the evidence presented doesn’t conclusively establish Kelley did anything other than go with the crowd. Kelley has always maintained that he was part of the protest, but never entered the Capitol and the evidence presented shows no indication of him having done so. The charges seems frivilous and seem more like the kind of thing a person would be charged with if the Regime were trying to send a message: don’t you dare stand up to us!
There’s no question as to the magnitude of the crisis this country faces. It’s beyond bad enough Biden said what he said, but he clearly has the approval of high-profile cultural figures like Jimmy Kimmel, who commands an audience of Biden-favoring millions and doubles as an unpaid Regime mouthpiece. We’re either nearing or at the point of no-return, where we quit pretending we live in a constitutional republic and begin focusing on how to prevent the other side from even existing.
This is why I’ve become more convinced by the day that America is headed for authoritarian rule. There’s simply no way to answer the Left’s escalating totalitarianism through the ballot box. As long as we have a constitutional republic, I still regard it as our duty as citizens to vote. However, the system as a whole has become so compromised, corrupted, and overtaken by forces bent on making the revolution permanent that swapping out the party in power won’t do anything, since the Regime still controls the institutions and the permanent bureaucracy. Should the Right regain power in Congress, it’ll need to do something other than simply obstruct the Left. It’ll need to come up with serious policy recommendations on how to stop the totalitarians in their tracks, even at the risk of appearing “anti-democratic.” Again, you’re not going to stop an entrenched totalitarian movement simply by voting them out of office. Some of them, such as powerful lifelong bureaucrat Anthony Fauci or Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, cannot be voted out!
I can’t think of any historical figure to compare Biden to so I can adequately convey the urgency of the situation, in part because Biden is so thoroughly unimpressive. Unlike many of history’s most brutal dictators, Biden didn’t come up in the “school of hard knocks” and was entirely an establishment product. He’s not much of an ideologue and probably cannot survive outside the system, but he’s very good at adopting the platform of the moment to boost himself. This isn’t to say Biden doesn’t have his own deeply held views, but he’s not a man of conviction. He merely goes along with the Regime in exchange for power and relevance. For someone who’s been senator since 1973, Biden has had little to show for it other than win election after election. Like many politicians, Biden knows how to play the game and stay in it, largely by cultivating a pseudo-cult of personality fashioning him as a Regular Joe, or “Good Ol’ Joe Biden From Scranton,” as derisively put by academic Victor Davis Hanson.
But Biden as a champion for the Everyman has always been a media construct and Biden has always represented elite interests. This has never been more clear than now: Biden possesses the most clout of any president in a generation and is aligned with the cultural elite. If the Woke, revolutionary Left ever had its best shot at establishing its new totaliarian order, it’s under President Biden, given his formidable influence cultivated in the Washington bureaucracy, politics, and media during the last 50 years.
The reality is, America is probably stuck with Biden for two more years. I can’t say for certain how those two years are going to go, but I can say for certain, if the Left continues on this current trajectory, it may well unleash a counter-revolution more than equal to the challenge.
Max Remington writes about armed conflict and prepping. Follow him on Twitter at @AgentMax90.
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I can no longer consider the term "administration" applicable to the Biden machine, Edward. It has devolved below even a "Regime." I can only view it as a Junta that has been forming for two decades, awaiting the opportunity to consolidate its power.
I came of age during the Carter administration. It was a bit of a slog to gain traction during the stagflation years, but we did it. Many of us were what is now referred to as "homeless," but as the manufacturing sector rebounded, we got our feet under us.
The reigning Junta of today cannot compare with the bumbling but well-intentioned actions of the Carter bureaucracy. Back then, it was a combination of greed and stupidity. Today, the greed has accelerated, the stupidity has deepened and widened in scope and affect, and has metastasized and solidified into a corrupt tyranny that leaves nowhere left to hide.
Entire industries are being intentionally destroyed, with nothing to replace them. My time is nearly over, and all that I can do is to share my skills with youngsters trying to learn how to survive. I now understand the origin of the kindnesses shown to me five decades ago. The old folks saw today peering over the wall, and did what they could to show us youngsters the way forward.
All is not lost. The kids are embattled, but not defeated. It would be foolish to think that everything will turn out okay for them, but with a bit of encouragement and assistance, they'll at least be able to meet their era of struggle with courage and be able to survive.