To fight and die for king and country? I think the problems plaguing the UK, the US, and most of the West run far deeper than migration. Migration is a symptom but the cause is no social cohesion between strata of society - in the UK the division runs deep and hard. In Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland each country studies its own history, you can ask a Scottish pupil about the war of the roses and they won't know what that is - they never had to study it. Rugby and football all pit us against each other, maybe it helps with national pride but not the British identity.

"We hate the English, therefore whatever the English are doing, we're doing the opposite" pretty much the rule of thumb in Scottish policymaking.

We focus so much on class, we focus on the things that make it look like the middle class has nothing in common with the elites or the working class, in fact class hate is a cornerstone of our society. We can't agree on stuff, because we never did, we never shall.

"Ah, they hate immigrants! Such a working class issue!"

"Oh, they're worried about their pensions! The middle class, haha, what's it like!"

"Oh, they send their kids to public schools! Posh bastards!"

As if education, pensions, net migration and related crime are issues that touch only a select layer of society???

Even worse is the Tory/Labour divide, as if these two are true alternatives in any sense known to man.

"We're Tories, therefore (nonsensical garbage)" not in any way better than "we're Labour therefore (nonsensical garbage)"

Before battling for Britain's future we need to collectively figure out what Britain is and why we want to keep it.

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What is the moment that will be the moment, planned so long ago, that will signal to the magician to snap his fingers to break the spell which chains the minds of Europe? It is a spell cast! There can be no other force which can inflict so much misery. What is the name of this dark one?

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This is ridiculous, and represents a child-like interpretation of a fraction of the many phenomena we see playing out in the U.S. since the election. Say what you want about Europe or Britain, but the U.S. will not experience a civil war in the context you or this Betz guy are nearly guaranteeing. Your sureness is evidence of your present inability to comprehend the changes WELL underway in the USA.

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Thanks for the summations. In the US, the sinister attainment of census headcount in sanctuary cities to embellish the democrat party congressional representation has been facilitated through their open border strategies. In so doing, the US has been invaded by Chinese infiltrators, African Muslims and Latino opportunists, all of which will suck the life out of White America.

Insidious slavery to the WEF globalist philosophies will be the downfall of every western nation. The saving of the US, ugly as it sounds, is that the citizens are armed to the teeth and when hell lets loose, bullets will fly and the patriots will rise up - today's MAGA will end up saving the country. At this point, Trump should reinstate the Muslim ban, using England and Sweden as models for justification. Mass deportation and reinvigorating the American dream MAY encourage native birthrates, but it will take time. Still, it's the only way the tribes of America avoid the decapitation at the hands of the overpopulating Muslim world looking for new lands to conquer, and more infidels to slaughter. The demographics of the world look ominous for the white race and unchecked migration will destroy us, civil war or not.

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I am weary of reading about how people don't understand why governments are erasing their legitimacy in this way. The answer is right in front of our noses. Population decline and birth rates. If you turn off the immigration spigot because the non-Western immigrants are incompatible with the existing lifestyles and culture, what then?

A few issues come to mind. Retirement systems. Health care for the aged. Resistance to foreign dominance. The maintenance of an economy, even.

Alternative solutions to unfettered immigration are rolling over and playing dead, or reversing the social tinkering of the last half of the 20th century. Restoring traditional gender roles and pumping up the birth rate. Not sure that would even work, but it's an alternative at least.

None of these solutions are easy, good ones. But I am really tired of reading stuff about how this is not all understanable. It's very understandable. Maybe if I were a politician today used to the easy way out, i'd consider continuing the unfettered immigration and ignoring the social effects, as is very visible in Canada, Britain, Germany, Sweden, even in the US. But that solution is unsustainable in the long run, I expect, as depicted in this piece.

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what is the common denominator here? WHO is the common denominator here. you can’t have a war if you don’t know your enemy, and it’s NOT the immigrants. they’re just benefiting from the system. the true enemy are the “usual suspects” who have been calling the shots in the west for a very long time, and perpetuating both the crisis and the inflow of people to erase your culture.

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I had conflict coming to America by 2030 on my bingo card. Between the deranged left and the globalist simp RINOs, there's nothing inspiring. In fact there can't be. No decent person wants to get dragged through our mudslinging media (basically all of us having made embarrassing mistakes we'd rather have lie mostly forgotten), and I suspect that's by design. Trump only managed to endure it all because the guy's basically a real-life cartoon character.

That said, we've seen the tip of the first wave in the USA. BLM riots, ambushing cops, Luigi Mangione, Thomas Michael Crooks.

The most bizarre part is the left's prosecutors who let murderers, thieves, rapists, and pedophiles run amok. Especially if they're illegal aliens. I can't fathom why they'd want to advance a civil war that they seem destined to lose, unless it's all part of a ploy for some faction to seize power and crack down once everyone's fed up with the chaos.

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As I see it, this destruction of modern society is a completely orchestrated event, being controlled by the parasitic elites. Technology has become the new worker, the majority of humanity is no longer required and just a drain on resources. If there were to be civil war break out, damaging infrastructure is not the way to go, that just plays into the hands of the elites,( I hate calling them that, there's nothing elite about them) change has to start with their removal, working from the very top down, no other way is going to save humanity, fighting amongst ourselves is exactly what they want and war has always played out that way, we, need to change the rules of combat, not let it be dictated to us.

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“Most of all: get to know your neighbors now. They will be your only defense once the police are gone.”

I laughed when I read this. For all intents and purposes the police have gone already!

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An aside, I worked several years in the UK for a Brit company (I’m American and most of my co-workers knew I was a veteran, avid hunter, firearm enthusiast) and in the past year emails I’ve been getting from them changed from ‘What are you up too’, office gossip, ‘can I use you for a reference’ to questions on: self defense tools, firearms (modern & black powder), what do you know about archery, etc.

Puzzling, is it not?

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Most puzzling, indeed.

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Where is the mention of the jews Kalergi white replacement plan in all this?

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The number of conservative-minded non-whites who support competency, honesty and decency is seriously under-estimated…….

…….certainly in Britain, and probably in US too.

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Not in the U.S. because the people have 300 million guns and 10 trillion rounds of ammunition.

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Slowly at first, then all at once.

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get an FGC9 and lots of ammo

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The coming civil war is going to consist of the mass genocide and enslavement of unarmed European populations by well armed muslims, all of which has been enabled by government.

Everyone in the UK needs to print an FGC9 and remove the obstacles to their freedom before they come arrest them for naughty words.

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