Nov 14, 2023Liked by Max Remington

Another thoughtful piece, as always!

I’m in broad agreement with you regarding our institutions: they’ve become corrupted and rotten on a deep level and relying on them too much eventually erodes our independence. We forget we have agency and increasingly abdicate our decision-making to the state across generations. Not cool!

I can’t say I’ve read much about this depressing story in the UK, but I’m baffled by the authorities’ intransigence. Why can’t the state just get out of the way and let the parents try for a long-shot procedure in another nation? It would be different if their plan was wholly unrealistic, but another country granted the child emergency citizenship and seems invested in helping her. What does the NHS lose? Authority? Perception of power? Ugh.

If one parent was adamantly against the procedure and the other was for it, I think the state might have a case. But to fight both parents on the issue of their child’s health seems a bridge too far, particularly when some distant bureaucracy decides it’s in the “best interest” of a child for her to no longer be alive.

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Very accurately stated. Here in Canada there’s very little fog hiding the death panels. MAID has been suggested and proposed for even depressed people. Yes, it is inevitable in every institutionalized universal healthcare system. No one has ever shown compassion for a number.

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If Indi Gregory goes to Italy and survives, that would imply that all the other times the NHS has pulled the plug on "terminally ill" children, it has simply murdered them. And that's why Indi cannot be allowed to get treatment in Italy.

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