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I think you’re on to something in terms of a person’s mental capacity to project behind the moment what their actions will likely result in. I remember an infamous post from an alleged researcher about how 95% of those with 85 IQ or below cannot comprehend hypotheticals (ie how would it feel not to have had breakfast today? But I DID have breakfast today. I don’t know what you’re talking about.) I believe those with a low enough IQ simply lack the tools of abstraction and cannot imagine what will happen if they try to drive off from a police stop or try to resist arrest. They are living literally in the moment. Also, they often have been allowed to get off Scot free most of their lives (because others don’t want to deal with enforcing standards) until they meet police who have a duty to stop them. It reminds me of the Christmas Parade massacre driver who literally just walked up to a stranger’s house after mowing down dozens of innocent people and asked for a sandwich. Completely in the moment. No sense of what was about to befall him. I think these low IQ criminals truly think, “If I can get out of this encounter, then it’ll be like it never happened.” Not sure how to advise police on this matter. You can’t screen a suspect for Iq to determine if they might be a fleeing suspect risk.

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