Just completed the 16 hour class for a NYC carry permit. Some interesting points:

- When calling 911, tell the operator the description of the suspect and a description of yourself (the complainant) to mitigate risk of mistaken identity. No doubt a conscious suspect will be yelling at the police that you attacked him first.

- The legal case begins at the point of the encounter - if de-escalation doesn't stop the attack, be sure all witnesses and neighbors hear you repeatedly yell: "STAY BACK! or GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! or STOP THREATENING ME!"

- Some recent drama involving USCCA denial of coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbEbOJMdK30

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Thanks for sharing. Updated the post with your remarks and my reaction.

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I can't get over that first line: "the 16 hour class for a NYC carry permit". Thank you Heller. Thank you Nash and Koch.

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Nov 1, 2023
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Post updated with your article and my reaction.

This snarky bit got under my skin:

"'We're not Texas, we're not Florida with Stand Your Ground, where everybody can walk around with a concealed carry weapon,' Goldkind said on Monday."

I get he's Canadian, but he shouldn't opine on things he doesn't know about, especially as a legal professional. Stand Your Ground isn't a blank check to shoot anyone who threatens you. It just means you're absolved of the duty to retreat. All other factors - ability, opportunity, and imminence - need to be present.

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Nov 2, 2023
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Ari Goldkind, huh? Interesting name.

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I'll give Ari Goldkind a chance. It just felt like that remark was silly and unnecessary on his part. It doesn't reflect reality.

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