America is a Federation.

There’s 85,000 distinct governments with 20,000 law enforcement agencies mostly local, every state has its own army and air force (army and air national guard) and the people are armed.

The collapse is of legitimacy, and law driven by the dominant Federal party. DC has lost the military also, if you missed it.

The only military that would march for DC are our Generals, admittedly that’s probably a couple thousand 🤣. But they’re cowards, corrupt and held in contempt.

In a Federation collapse one place is not the situation in the next, and the country is kept together by oceans East and West, Tundra north, and deserts/Jungles and internal dissension south. We are stuck with each other, have no fear.

This is collapse at the top but as a Federation NOT the center.

The Empire was never necessary for resources, strategic depth or any near enemy to be kept at bay.

The only reason it exists is legacy Imperialism from WW2 and the Cold War. That and job security for mediocre megalomaniacs.

The energy crisis? That is self imposed and can vanish rapidly.

The Agent of Imperial dissolution is the not the savior , it is we and the suffering world that need to be saved from the Empire...

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Interesting. So what happens post-collapse at the top? Who takes power?

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Governors will attempt to take charge, just like now, under Biden. Except, right now, they have too much respect for the office.

The difference is, the Governors will make alliances and the strongest will become de facto 'President'.

I do not foresee this becoming a civil war as that would not be in the best interest of anyone but the rabble rousers. Leftists will be quite happy to suspend all Rights and throw disagree-ers into prison camps. Martial Law will be de rigueur for a time until order is established. Unfortunately, this could end badly if the strongest refuse to step aside and allow free and fair elections.

Hopefully, the lessons learned from the aftermath of the 1861-5 war will be applied or it will be messy - and I'm no longer a spring chicken.

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So be an autumn Rooster

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This seems like a pretty likely outcome to me as well. We're already seeing a resurgence of federalism. While the US federal government will attempt to crush that (in different directions depending on who's in charge), economic realities will limit that ability sooner instead of later, likely a few days after the first failed US Treasury T-Bill auction.

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No feasible successor in DC.

Nothing of consequence follows Biden’s death except they run for their lives. It’s already empty except for geriatrics waiting to die and the sycophantic shades that surround them, leeching money.

There’s no feasible succession in DC. Nor up from the states, nor a man on a horse...

The situation at the Federal level is analogous to the fall of the Qing in 1911 (the Manchu) - the ultimate answer is The American Mao (the most fit Warlord) after the “sorting process”.

The answer is The American Mao, but that will be after Time and Trial.

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Wow. I've heard of an American Caesar, American Cromwell, even an American (Hugo) Chavez. But American Mao? That belongs to you and you alone.

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