Writing from Europe with an International perspective.
"Do you think the sentence received by the illegal immigrant driving a commercial truck without a license is reasonable?"
- Your justice system is just as fucked as ours.
- Maybe because he had all those previous experiences, he knew how to "game" the system in his favor, saw an opportunity and took played his hand superbly.
- In a reasonable world he wouldn't walk out of jail.
I think one misconception we have, on both sides of the Atlantic, is that the "justice system" is about justice. It's not. It's a set of rules, a set of referees who catch some % of the rule breakers, a handful of judges, and $. If you have $ your chances of ending up in jail are infinitely smaller than if you don't.
"What do you think is going on in Aurora?"
- It's a game of whoop ass and the locals are getting their asses whooped.
"Is it still hysteria?"
- No. I used to work in building management and have never seen people run up stairs with guns drawn at the ready. If I lived there I'd definitely be a gun owner. And I would consider my life choices that led me to live there and that maybe relocating elsewhere is a better decision.
"Has Neil Howe convinced you of the Fourth Turning yet?"
I was reading/listening to the fourth turning a few years ago. It's not a bad narrative. Unfortunately for the fourth turning, it's a lot harder to neatly define groups of people into categories than meets the eye (for instance, if you're 45 - 65 today, technically you're a gen-x, but a 45 yr old doesn't have much in common with a 65 yr old; same for boomers, etc etc, and plenty of 20 yr olds are mature adults while we could find plenty of 40 yr old children, etc etc).
We all search for grand narratives that help us to make sense of the world. And there's quite a few concurrent shtf candidates out there all jostling to win.
Today I was reading about scientists in Japan who managed to graft lab grown artificial living skin tissue onto a robot face, the same skin tissue they managed to make smile just a few weeks ago. T2 terminators are literally just a few years away and we're already seeing a litany of robots and autonomous systems and AI being used on the battlefields in Ukraine and Gaza (google "lavender" and "where's your daddy?"). I'm just saying that falling enrollment in the armed forces might not be as big an issue as it seems.
The USA could have reshaped the world in 1989-1991, but it chose not to. You can read/listen to Prof. Mersheimer (Uni of Chicago) and Prof. Jeffery Sachs (Uni of Columbia) for more on that.
Instead the USA decided to bully everyone because "there can be only one" highlander. And now the chickens are coming home to roost 🤣
Interviewing the Venezuelan residents of the apartment complex about the Venezulian gang terrorizing them gets the same response as interviews with Soviet citizens in the USSR. Wow, no problems reported, Jack! They all love it here (as a gun is seen sticking out from the side into their back)! Guess we can all chalk this up to misinformation!
Writing from Europe with an International perspective.
"Do you think the sentence received by the illegal immigrant driving a commercial truck without a license is reasonable?"
- Your justice system is just as fucked as ours.
- Maybe because he had all those previous experiences, he knew how to "game" the system in his favor, saw an opportunity and took played his hand superbly.
- In a reasonable world he wouldn't walk out of jail.
I think one misconception we have, on both sides of the Atlantic, is that the "justice system" is about justice. It's not. It's a set of rules, a set of referees who catch some % of the rule breakers, a handful of judges, and $. If you have $ your chances of ending up in jail are infinitely smaller than if you don't.
"What do you think is going on in Aurora?"
- It's a game of whoop ass and the locals are getting their asses whooped.
"Is it still hysteria?"
- No. I used to work in building management and have never seen people run up stairs with guns drawn at the ready. If I lived there I'd definitely be a gun owner. And I would consider my life choices that led me to live there and that maybe relocating elsewhere is a better decision.
"Has Neil Howe convinced you of the Fourth Turning yet?"
I was reading/listening to the fourth turning a few years ago. It's not a bad narrative. Unfortunately for the fourth turning, it's a lot harder to neatly define groups of people into categories than meets the eye (for instance, if you're 45 - 65 today, technically you're a gen-x, but a 45 yr old doesn't have much in common with a 65 yr old; same for boomers, etc etc, and plenty of 20 yr olds are mature adults while we could find plenty of 40 yr old children, etc etc).
We all search for grand narratives that help us to make sense of the world. And there's quite a few concurrent shtf candidates out there all jostling to win.
Today I was reading about scientists in Japan who managed to graft lab grown artificial living skin tissue onto a robot face, the same skin tissue they managed to make smile just a few weeks ago. T2 terminators are literally just a few years away and we're already seeing a litany of robots and autonomous systems and AI being used on the battlefields in Ukraine and Gaza (google "lavender" and "where's your daddy?"). I'm just saying that falling enrollment in the armed forces might not be as big an issue as it seems.
The USA could have reshaped the world in 1989-1991, but it chose not to. You can read/listen to Prof. Mersheimer (Uni of Chicago) and Prof. Jeffery Sachs (Uni of Columbia) for more on that.
Instead the USA decided to bully everyone because "there can be only one" highlander. And now the chickens are coming home to roost 🤣
Interviewing the Venezuelan residents of the apartment complex about the Venezulian gang terrorizing them gets the same response as interviews with Soviet citizens in the USSR. Wow, no problems reported, Jack! They all love it here (as a gun is seen sticking out from the side into their back)! Guess we can all chalk this up to misinformation!
Enjoy the vacation, man! They’ll be plenty of Happenings when you return.
And he returns the day after the second assassination attempt on Trump! Truly the Era of Happenings.
I serve my country. When happenings are back home, I must return home.